Alicia keys unthinkable ft drake

Alicia keys unthinkable ft drake

Toshiba had always planned to use the new codecs because MPEG2 wouldnt give them the quality nor time they needed on 30GB discs. MPEG2 would have negated any real difference in disc capacity because MPEG2 like to play above 25Mbps. Cost If were not talking about subsidized hardware/software its clear that HD DVD is the more inexpensive format to make. The HD DVD disc structure is the same as DVD. The OPU has a very close Numerical Aperture so that backwards compatability with DVD was assured. This made sense to me the lens assembly can be much cheaper and the discs can be manufactured on retrofitted pressing lines or a new line can be added that can do HD DVD and DVD A nice perservation of legacy support and hardware. I wont blather on and bore people. The crux of the matter is really seperating the wheat from the chaff. The questions to ask ourselves is does the benefits of Blu-Ray outweigh the increase in price? I looked at alicia keys unthinkable ft drake was happening and I decided that it did not. The context of my discussion has alicia keys unthinkable ft drake been movie distribution thus Im not swayed by carrots like 8-layer discs and 200GB. I need stuff that has concrete deliverables by xmas 2007 for consideration. Sometimes I tend to debate quite aggressively but I welcome ANYONE to explain why my logic regarding the platform war is incorrect. Make no bones about it I will own both platforms but Im VERY impressed with the execution of HD DVD and the thought put into its design and featureset. There is a backing reason for everything I state. I was supporting HD DVD before it shipped and a bunch of people jumped on the bandwagon. Im glad I stuck to my guns on this one. I feel both formats will co-exist for some time but reports of Blu-Ray slaughtering HD DVD were obviously wishful thinking. Sometimes I tend to debate quite aggressively but I welcome ANYONE to explain why my logic regarding the platform war is incorrect. Make no bones about it I will own both platforms but Im VERY impressed with the execution of HD DVD and the thought put into its design and featureset. There is a backing reason for everything I state. I was supporting HD DVD before it shipped and a bunch of people jumped on the bandwagon. Im glad I stuck to my guns on this one. I feel both formats will alicia keys unthinkable ft drake for some time but reports of Blu-Ray slaughtering HD DVD were obviously wishful thinking. I think it is wishful thinking that only after a month of being out that Blu-ray wont be slaughtering HD DVD come October when the likes of Philips, Pioneer, and Pasnasonic join the foray. Not to mention the X-factor, the PS3 which will do quite well in squashing the competition. Time will tell, but the wishful thinking I read is in the above post. With the whole HD DVD vs Blu-Ray fiasco I noticed some disturbing trends. Ill highlight some of them. The DVD Forum attempted to give us one format. Anyone who had product the submit to become the next DVD was encouraged to apply. Toshibas AOD disc ended up winning because it met producers desire for a HD disc that can hold a full 2 hour movie w/extras.

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