Family guy presents stewie griffin the untold story

Family guy presents stewie griffin the untold story

I dont think that it had any major plot holes, for the reasons Ive covered in freakish detail in my earlier posts. A good movie doesnt explain everything that happens: it trusts its audience to have enough intelligence to figure out that which is not explicitly stated. A good movie engages the audiences imagination, and leaves them thinking about it. Sometimes its about the themes or subtext of the film Is it morally right to sacrifice five soldiers lives to save one private?, sometimes its about plot elements that werent explained in the movie Where do you think those giant burrowing worms came from in the first place?. This is precisely what made 28 Days Later such an interesting movie: it didnt explain every little detail, family guy presents stewie griffin the untold story left it up to the audience to fill in the holes with their own conjecture. As a side note, I thought the note Jims parents left him was one of the most heart-rending things Ive ever heard in a movie. Imagine how much life must suck if your most fervent wish is for your only child to remain in a persistent vegetative state. All times are GMT The time now is 05:47 AM. Powered by vBulletin Version 3 Copyright 2000 2011, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. The Straight Dope by Cecil Adams is a registered trademark of Creative Loafing Media, Inc. Contents of the Straight Dope Message Board and the Straight Dope Web site are copyright 1984-2011 by Creative Loafing Media, Inc. All rights reserved. By posting on this board you grant the Creative Loafing Media, Inc. , and its successors and assigns a nonexclusive irrevocable right to re-use your posting in any manner it or they see fit without notice or compensation to you. No material contained in this site may be republished or reposted without express written consent of the Creative Loafing Media, Inc. , except that message board users retain the right to republish or repost their own work. imdb mentions an alternate downbeat ending which was attached to every 1400 copy of 28 Days Later. Fox Searchlight attached an alternative downbeat ending to all 1400 US prints of the film, while it was still in release. The revised ending was the one that appeared in the original script, but the scripts ending was ditched in favor of a happy ending after it did not test well. Director Danny Boyle decided We cant do this to people, because it was such a tough journey anyway. The US widescreen special edition features three alternate this downbeat ending included in the special edition or is it worth to look out for this rare copy?! Frankly, I was not family guy presents stewie griffin the untold story they only did this for 1400 copies, I assumed they were all made like that. I have one of the 1400 copies, dont want to spoil it by telling you about the downbeat ending. We watched it once, preferred the upbeat ending after all theyd already been through agree with Danny Boyle there. It would be interesting to be able to see the alternate endings but I suspect after you see them once, youll have your own favorite and probably never watch the others again. kd5 It wasnt on 1, 400 DVD copies of the film. The story posted by the OP says 1, 400 prints of the film, which means it was in the theatrical release, not DVD. Just because a word has an s on the end of it doesnt mean it gets an apostrophe. wasnt all this discussed in detail on the special features of the DVD? I dont have the disc anymore, but I remember I liked the alternate downbeat ending Location: Salt Lake City, Utah Allrighty, thanks for clearing that im going for the SE ! youre reading it incorrectly. Not EVERY 1400 prints, ALL 1400 prints. The movie was released in the US with the theatrical ending, the HELP ending. But 28 days after the release, Fox decided to add the alternate ending to the theatrical print. The movie goes as normally with the HELP ending, and after the closing credits, But what shows up on the screen, with the alternate downbeat ending.

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